Looking for a mask-free CPAP alternative?
If you are looking to treat your sleep apnea or if you want to replace your CPAP, White Sage Dentistry offers Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) for patients who are unable to tolerate CPAP.
What is an Oral Appliance Therapy?
Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) is an effective no-mask CPAP alternative treatment for mild to moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and snoring.
No Need for CPAP!
There’s no need for CPAP with an oral appliance. If you’ve received a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea or suffer from snoring, White Sage Dentistry is here to help. Dr. Jadeja can fit you with an FDA-approved oral appliance to eliminate or reduce your sleep apnea.
Schedule your sleep apnea consult today!
How does Oral Appliance Therapy work?
A custom-fit oral appliance fits over your teeth like an orthodontic retainer while you sleep and supports your jaw in a slightly forward position. This forward position tightens the soft tissue and muscles of the upper airway, which prevents obstruction while you sleep.
What are the advantages of Oral Appliance Therapy?
Oral appliance therapy is an effective, non-invasive treatment that fits easily into your lifestyle. Patients like oral appliance therapy because of its benefits:
- No mask or machine needed
- Discreet and silent
- Portable and easy for travel
- As effective as CPAP
- Convenient and easy to wear
- Adjustable
- Easy to care for
- Allow for talking and drinking
- No electricity needed
- Less cumbersome compared to CPAP
What happens if Sleep Apnea is left untreated?
Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that happens when your breathing stops and starts while you slumber. If it goes untreated, it can cause more serious problems like…
Weight Gain & Diabetes
Sleep apnea causes increases insulin resistance in both obese and non obese humans
Sleep fragmentation worsens depressive symptoms via disruption of slow-wave sleep
Early Death
Mortality studies indicate 3-fold increased mortality risk independently of age, sex and weight
Erectile Dysfunction
Sleep apnea causes a lack of oxygen during sleep which contributes to erectile and sexual dysfunction
Poor Memory
Sleep apnea causes deficits in attention and vigilance with delayed verbal memory and executive function
Sleep Apnea causes changes in cerebral blood flow leading to cognitive decline and aggravate Alzheimers progression
Don’t ignore chronic snoring
Treating sleep apnea promotes a healthier heart, body, and mind. Let us help you improve your sleep and your health! Our sleep apnea appliances will reposition your jaw and keep your airway open to give you a restful night’s sleep.
Do you snore excessively? Do you suffer from daytime fatigue? Do you awake during the night with shortness of breath? You may suffer from the life-threatening sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. About 1 in every 15 Americans suffer from sleep apnea and it is a problem that many don’t even realize they might have. But what does this have to do with dentistry? Because sleep apnea is caused by an airway obstruction, the disorder can be treated through the mouth. The Thorton adjustable positioner, or Tap appliance is one of the more popular ways to treat sleep apnea. When the jawbone yes lax, the tongue and soft tissue obstruct the airway. The tap appliance advances the jaw bone, allowing the air to flow freely and making sleep more restful throughout the night. If you think you might suffer from sleep apnea, talk to your dentist today about possible treatment options.
How does an oral appliance work for sleep apnea?
An oral appliance is a custom-designed appliance much like a retainer that fits over your teeth to be worn while you sleep to improve symptoms of sleep apnea. It does this by keeping your jaw in a position that better supports your oral structures to keep soft tissues from collapsing and obstructing airflow during sleep.
How long should I wear an oral appliance?
You should wear your oral appliance whenever you are sleeping. Oral appliance therapy is often a lifelong treatment and can safely be used every night for many years to improve symptoms. Oral appliance therapy has no negative dental side effects, so it is usually safe to wear your appliance as long as you are sleeping for as long as you have sleep apnea.
Is it uncomfortable to wear an oral appliance?
While there may be an adjustment period to wearing your oral appliance the first few nights, most patients find that their custom-fitted oral appliance is comfortable with continued use. Over time, your oral appliance will help you to have a better, more comfortable night’s sleep and reduce other symptoms of discomfort associated with sleep apnea such as headaches and fatigue.
How effective is an oral appliance?
Studies have shown that oral appliances can be just as effective as CPAP and other treatments for sleep apnea. It may seem too good to be true, but this simple appliance can actually effectively help to prevent sleep apnea and give you a restful night’s sleep.
Why should I get an oral appliance for sleep apnea?
It is not advised to leave sleep apnea untreated as it can lead to many other health problems and even reduced lifespan over time. If you have sleep apnea, you should seek treatment, and an oral appliance is the simplest solution for sleep apnea. Improve your health and your quality of life by treating sleep apnea with an oral appliance.